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Diesel DispensersDiesel Dispensers upgrade client encounter through a rich substance screen and sound on the container. Advancements and marking can be focused towards clients previously, amid and after the fuelling procedure through unique interchanges. Intended to work in all conditions, the Diesel Dispensers are completely coordinated with grade marks, value data, distributor number and media content. Enhance marking and client direction with singular review hues, text styles and shows. A wide scope of media organizations can be designed to react to three phases amid the exchange including welcome, amid fuelling and thank you messages. A straightforward device of Diesel Dispensers enable substance to be embedded, booked and appropriated by means of system or USB availability. Upgrade client experience and lift deals by petroleum pump publicizing intended to suit your business needs. Key Features: 1) Highlights a 19" or 15" screen 2) Works in temperatures going from - 20C to +55C. 3) Working temperature (discretionary) - 40C. 4) Works flawlessly as a processing plant fit or brisk retrofit. |